Trademark Registration - tm-india offer very comprehensive India Trademark Services. tm-india cover all the needs of our clients beginning from trademark search, Trademark Filing, Trademark oppositions, trademark registration in india and abroad and Appeals. tm-india also provide Trademark Enforcement services. We provide Comprehensive India trademark Search facility where we conduct a search in the India Trademark Registry covering India Trademark Database that includes all Trademarks issued and Pending trademark application whether they are published in the official journal or unpublished. This low cost paid comprehensive india trademark search is conducted in the database of trade marks and service marks that are registered and advertised before acceptance in the Trade mark Journal published by the Trade Mark Registry. Please see our India Trade Mark classification page to know to which class your goods or services may belong to. We provide India trademark registration services and we have experienced India Trademark Attorneys in our panel of consultants.
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Please fill-out the following form, and our Online Team will promptly contact you with solutions
Please see the requirements, time taken, cost and other details at India Trademark Registration Our Low-Cost India trademark watch service enables you to utilize our service wherein we watch for any mark conflicting with your trademarks advertised in the India Trademark Journal of India and notify you in time so you can file Trademark Opposition to such marks. We also notify you for your Trademark Renewal. In addition we also conduct Trademark Enforcement actions and assist to prevent Trademark Infringement of your trademarks in india.
Trade and Trade is a leading Intellectual Property Firm in Tirupur & Coimbatore We have offices at Major cities in india such as Chennai, Delhi, Coimbatore and Tirupur. We provide a comprehensive service in relation to Trademarks, Patent, Copright, Designs and other related rights Many of our Professionals play an important role in IP associations across the world, influencing the International rules for the protection of Intellectual property
ReplyDeleteA trademark is a word, name, phrase, or logo that identifies a product or service and helps differentiate it from others. Trademarks can be known through genuine use in marketplace, though they can also be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The Trademark registration online purposes to prevent consumer misperception. Contact Us: +91 8929218091
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