Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Copyright Registration

Copyright is the area of intellectual property law, which governs the creation and attendant rights thereto. The copyright Act grants protection to all categories of copyrightable work including Literary Work, Musical Work, Dramatic Work, Artistic Work, Cinematograph Film, painting, Photograph, portrait, Work made in the course of employment, Lectures delivered in public, Government Work, Work made on behalf of a public undertaking, Work of certain international organization, Question papers of an examination, Collective work, Plan of a building or a structure, etc.

The main purpose of copyright registration is to place on record a verifiable account of the date and content of the work in question, so that in the event of a legal claim, or case of infringement or plagiarism, the copyright owner can produce a copy of the work from an official government source. The copyright registration in india is to let copyright registrants gain economic rewards for their efforts and thereby encourage further creativity and development of new materials that benefit the country. Copyright Registration Service is a service provided by the intellectual property office. The purpose of copyright registration service is to record and register the creative output of businesses and individuals in order to protect copyright ownership.
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Friday, January 8, 2010

Logo Registration

Logos play an important role in marketing and brand recognition. It is only after the logo registration ownership is ascertained and a person can seek protection from the authorities if any other person or entity uses that logo or mark. For the logo registration in India, firstly we have to do a design search so that we will be able to find out that it is not similar with any other mark, then we have to find out the experienced trademark attorney who will make search and tell us about the exact status of our logo. If these formalities are satisfactory then comes the filing of logo registration application which is to be accompanied documents and the application cost. logo registration process in India is affordable and easy, which is to find out whether your intended logo is available for registration or not. You can use your logo as a marketing toll so that customers can recognize your services or products. Logos may be used and registered as trademarks or service marks if they do not resemble to any other mark.
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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Trademark Attorney

A trademark is a “mark” proposed to be used for or in connection with goods or services to distinguish such goods or services from other goods or services. A Mark can be brand, heading, label, ticket, name, numeral, sign letter, text, word, slogan, base line, shape, colour or combination of any of these. trademark attorney is a highly qualified and experienced professional, who can help you in registering trademark with affordable price.Trademark Registration gives the company the exclusive right to prevent others from marketing identical or similar products under the same or confusingly similar marks.

To register the mark as a trademark, the mark must meet the following requirements

1. It must be distinctive.
2. It must not be similar to a mark already registered or any pending prior application for registration.
3. It must not be prohibited by the Trademarks Act.
4. It must be owned by the applicant.

As registration of a trade mark is a specialized area of work it may be compulsory to employ the services of a trade mark agent or attorney. It is not any trade mark which is registrable. To be registrable the mark should be unique and should not be similar to any other trade mark registered for the same or similar goods or used by a competitor whether registered or not. Trademark attorney India provides guidance and advice to companies on selecting a new trademark. India Trademark attorney, not only deals with any opposition effectively and efficiently, but also they give solutions for trademark revocations. Trade mark attorneys in India are specialist legal professionals qualified to advise customers about protecting and enforcing their trade mark rights. Trade marks are used to identify a person's or company's products or services and may take several forms, including logos, shapes and company names.


In order to register your trade mark the following are the steps / procedure to be taken:-
I) For Brand name registration or logo registration will called as trademark registration. The first step involved this procedure is identify the mark
II) Search with Trade Mark Registry for the availably of Trade Name / Mark for registration.
III) Identifying the Class under which the Trade Mark to be registered.
IV) Filing the application with Trade Marks Registry
V) Obtaining the acknowledgement form Trade Marks Registry.

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